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Mon-Fri 8:30am-6:00pm EST
Sat 10:00am-2:00pm EST

Continuing Education, Inc.
University at Sea
5700 4th St. N.
St Petersburg, Florida 33703
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Quest for ExcellenceTM Western Caribbean Cruise

7-Night 7-Night Western Caribbean Cruise Conference
Round-trip Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
July 21 - 28, 2018

This conference has already sailed, but that doesn't mean you have to miss the boat! Click here to see our complete schedule of upcoming programs.

Royal Caribbean's <em>Harmony of the Seas</em>
Royal Caribbean's Harmony of the Seas




Pre-Sail Webinar, Wenesday, July 18, 2018, 1-3 pm Pacific DST

Creating a Culture of Caring for the LGBT Community

This program is designed to acquaint administrators with the newly implemented education and training program designed to address the needs of the under-served Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community.

Driven into hiding from generations of persecution, new legal protections have emboldened many members of the community to embrace their diversity, and more opening contribute to society. However, as with many matters that some people consider private, not all people wish to openly express what the LGBT culture can offer. Some people may not even be aware of their sexual orientation. COK : Cultural Competency and the LGBT Community.

You will learn how to:
  • Discuss terms related to gender role and sexual orientation.
  • Describe the evolution of civil rights in the United States.
  • Discuss why LGBT people are less likely to access health and social services.
  • Discuss methods to promote sensitivity and respect for cultural diversity in the community care setting
CE Provider: CCL Course Approval Numbers: 124 0250-28884 (RCFE), 124 0250-28885 (ARF), 124 0250-28886 (GH).

At Sea, July 22, 2018
The Dynamics of Deception 10 AM - Noon

In our work, we often encounter deception by our employees and our patients, residents or clients. This seminar will discuss why and how people deceive others and ways we can detect deception. COK: Management/Supervision of Staff.

You will learn how to:
  • Differentiate between conscious and unconscious deception
  • Identify motivations for deception
  • Describe deception by people in different age groups
  • Describe the interplay between the sender and the receiver of a deceptive message, and
  • Identify ways in which we may be able to detect deception.
CCL Course Approval #: 124 0203-28528 (RCFE), 124 0203-28529 (ARF), 124 0203-28530(GH)

Communication: Effective Performance Evaluations to Provide Better Service 1-3 PM

Community Care Administrators depend on staff to provide the services that clients need. Employees need to know what is expected of them and how well they are meeting those expectations. Effective performance evaluation depends on good communication tools. This course provides administrators with practical tools to evaluate employee performance. COK: Management/Supervision of Staff Performance Evaluations.

You will learn how to:
  • Recognize the importance of the position description to communicate performance expectations
  • Recognize the importance of praise as a management tool
  • Discuss methods to develop effective performance goals
  • Identify an effective tool for disarming conflict
  • Identify an effective tool for dealing with difficult conversations, and
  • Recognize rules for fair fighting.
CCL Course Approval #:124 0203-30371 (RCFE), 124 0203-30370 (ARF), 124 0203-30369 (GH)

Positive Approach to Dementia Care: The Work of Teepa Snow (ARF, RCFE Breakout) 3 - 5 PM

This course is designed to provide you with an overview of the work of Teepa Snow, an Occupational Therapist who revolutionized methods of interacting with person who are suffering from dementia syndrome. We will include information about defining stages of dementia, including how to approach people who have dementia according to their needs. We will discuss how to approach someone who is distressed. We will conclude with advice on how to be a successful care partner to someone who has dementia syndrome. COK: Alzheimer's/Dementia Training (RCFE), Psycho-social needs (ARF).

As a result of this program, you will be able to:
  • List the six Gem Levels described by Teepa Snow
  • Explain two goals for using the Gem Level system
  • Demonstrate the Hand-Under-Hand technique and
  • Describe the Positive Physical Approach technique.
CCL Course Approval #: 124 0211-27682 (RCFE), 124 0211-27683 (ARF).

Group Home Best Practices in Nonprofit Corporation Management (GH Breakout) 3 - 5 PM

As residential care licensees are increasingly converting their form of doing business into corporations, there is a marked need for information on appropriate and legal roles in this new "ownership" model. Group Homes are expressly required to incorporate as nonprofit entities in order to receive funding for care under California Welfare and Institutions Code section 11400(h). Failure of Board Members, Board Officers, and paid Executive Officer staff to abide by these legal roles can and does put organizations in legal peril. Additionally, failure of nonprofit corporations to keep up with annual filing requirements can result in having their tax- exempt status revoked, and their corporation placed in a suspended status. This seminar provides administrators with the tools and techniques to effectively and efficiently manage their operations without jeopardizing their limited liability status, or compromising appropriate lines of communication. Whether you are a corporate "owner" or an executive director, this presentation is a "must hear!" COK: Management and Supervision of Staff.

You will learn now to:
  • Discuss the roles and responsibilities of corporate officers and directors.
  • Describe Best-practice boundaries pertaining to lines of communication between staff and corporate officers and directors.
  • Describe Best practices in conducting and documenting corporate meetings.
CCL Course Approval #: 124 0202-29013 (GH)

At Sea , July 25, 2018
How to Organize and Target Your Marketing Efforts for Better Results 9 AM - 12 Noon

Community Care Administrators need to understand how to reach potential residents and their families. The decision to select a new kind of living style for oneself or for a loved one is usually difficult. The concepts of "buying" and "selling" are different than they are in retail operations. COK: Business Operations: Marketing a Facility.

You will learn how to:
  • Define "selling" and "buying" as the terms apply to the residential care world
  • Recognize common barriers to marketing residential care businesses, and
  • Create a statement of value.
CCL Course Approval #: 124 0302-30374 (RCFE), 124 0302-30373 (ARF), 124 0302-30372 (GH)

Staff Education and Training Techniques Workshop 1 - 5 PM

Of all of the most terrifying experiences that people admit to, public speaking generally ranks #1, even above the fear of dying. Fear is usually caused by either lack of experience or, even worse, a horrible experience. Teaching and conducting training classes are close cousins to public speaking, even when it comes to training our own staff or the family members of our residents. Like all other skills, teaching is a learned skill; people aren't born with it. However, training staff members is one of the many required roles of residential care administrators. Title 22 Regulations require that Administrators have the responsibility to train their staff . However, initial certification programs do little more that mention this requirement in passing. This program was designed to fulfill that gap. Additionally, some administrators may wish to conduct certified continuing education programs as vendors themselves. This course provides an excellent foundation in adult learning theory essential to succeed as an educator or trainer. Specifically, this seminar is designed to introduce community care administrators and professionals to the principles of adult learning and provide them with the information and skills necessary to conduct education and training classes for qualified staff. COK: Supervision & Management of Staff.

You will learn how to:
  • describe the principles of adult learning.
  • identify teaching methodologies and appropriate educational situations for each of these methodologies.
  • identify essential presenter skills.
  • demonstrate the appropriate use of popular audiovisual training aids.
  • demonstrate the development of an education or training objective and outline.
  • demonstrate an effective presentation of an education or training class.
CCL Course Approval #: 124 0403-28711 (RCFE), 124 0403-28712 (ARF),124 0403-28709 (GH)

At Sea, July 27, 2018
Personal Rights Advocacy through the Ethical Decision-Making Process 10 AM - Noon

In this era of increasing ambiguity regarding promises and expectations, we are daily confronted by new perspectives on "What is the truth." Add to that the complexities involved in providing care to a child, a dependent adult, or an elderly senior person, and the increasingly grey shades of "the truth" become exponentially more complex as they are multiplied against "What is the best thing to do?" Hence the evolution of bioethics. Finally, we are providing care to an increasingly diverse and complex population, people from ethnicities, cultures, sexual orientations, and religious preferences that may not be our own. This may give rise to an internal conflict between our personal beliefs and our professional duty. There are, however, well established guidelines to support us on respecting "personhood," ensuring that the ends do justify the means, and aspiring toward beneficence over non-maleficence. COK: Residents Rights (RCFE), Admission & Assessment Retention Nondiscrimination, Client's Rights (GH),, Psychosocial Needs Client's Rights (ARF).

You will learn now to:
  • Describe ethical considerations in terms of advocating for resident/client rights.
  • Identify guidelines in approaching ethical decision making.
  • Demonstrate the use of a bioethical approach to a given case scenario.
CCL Course Approval #: 124 0217-30131 (RCFE), 124 0204-30134 (ARF), 124 0208-30132 (GH)

Alterations in Bladder and Bowel Elimination: Restricted Health Conditions (Breakout ARF,RCFE) 1 - 3 PM

This course benefits residential care administrators by providing them information about Bladder and Bowel Incontinence as a Restricted Health Condition. We will discuss types of incontinence, causes of incontinence, how to evaluate residents, and treatment options. We will review Title 22 Regulations specific to these restricted health conditions, emphasizing the role of collaborating with appropriately skilled professionals for residents who are unable to adequately care for their own incidental needs. This Course is specifically designed to address the Core of Knowledge section on Admission & Assessment Retention: Restricted Health Conditions.

You will learn how to:
  • Identify managed incontinence as a restricted condition
  • Recognize two types of bowel incontinence
  • Recognize at least two types of bladder incontinence, and
  • Describe ways to protect the skin of the incontinent resident.
CCL Course Approval #: 124 0218-29796 (RCFE), 124 0218-29797 (ARF)

Restricted Health Conditions and Postural Support Devices (GH Breakout) 1 - 3 PM

Over the years, the level of acuity has increased in all levels of the health care continuum. Health care conditions that may have required critical care or hospital care are routinely provided in skilled nursing facilities. Similarly, health care conditions that were previously prohibited in residential care are now restricted or allowable. Additionally, some incidental medical conditions that required exceptions or waivers no longer required advanced authorization by the Community Care Licensing Division. This program provides an update on Prohibited, Restricted, and Allowable Conditions, including precautions when caring for residents with postural support devices. COK: Admission & Assessment Retention Non-Discrimination: Allowable vs. Prohibited Conditions.

You will learn now to:
  • Differentiate between Restricted and Prohibited Health Conditions
  • Discuss the use of Postural Support Devices
  • Describe guidelines for providing care to a resident with Restricted Health Conditions.
CCL Course Approval #: 124 0218-28980 (RCFE), 124 0218-28978 (ARF), 124 0208-28976 (GH)

Sexuality and Relationship Issues in the Residential Care 3 - 5 PM

This session is designed to assist residential care administrators and service providers in exploring social and personal values, attitudes, legal rights, policy and house rules, regarding human sexuality, relationships and expression. The session will assist service providers in methods of supporting the legal right of adult residents, and providing behavioral guidelines for minors in the residential care setting. This session will review and provide an overview of specific California law and licensing regulations used in supporting residents' rights to privacy, sexual orientation, and expression including lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues and expression. Guidelines will also be discussed to aid in the development of "House Rules" stressing the importance of access to information and counseling regarding personal protection and safer sex. COK: Physical Needs - sexuality.

You will learn how to:
  • Describe law and regulations protecting the rights of residents to privacy, sexual orientation, and sexual expression
  • Identify ways in which care providers can support individuals without sacrifice of their own values
  • Demonstrate how to develop residential policies and "house rules" which support individual rights and maintain the integrity of personal values
  • Identify local resources available to administrators and residents for appropriate education and counseling regarding personal protection and safer sexual expression.
  • CCL Course Approval #: 124 0304-28143 (RCFE), 124 0304-28142 (ARF), 124 0301-28141 (GH)

    Quest for Excellence is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation providing educational services and products since 1994. This conference is Provider approved for up to 21 Contact Hours of professional continuing education by Quest for Excellence - POB 9050, Eureka, CA 95502 . California licensed health care professionals including: RN, LVN, Physical Therapists, Pharmacists, Nursing Home and Residential Care/Assisted Living Administrators (NHA, RCFE, ARF, GH). BRN Provider Number CEP11897, CCL Vendor #2000124 NHAP Provider Number 1634, PT Accreditation Agency, Provider approval #QFE0001. We reserve the right to replace scheduled speakers at our sole discretion.. COK: Core of Knowledge.


PLEASE NOTE: To attend the conference, participants must book their cruise through Continuing Education, Inc.. This ensures our company can provide full conference services and complimentary social amenities to all meeting participants and their guests. Note also, that participants' family and friends are welcome to book within our group to take advantage of our typically excellent cruise rates. Thank you for your cooperation.
BIAS FREE CME - No Commercial Support was provided for this CME activity.


Sat Jul 21 Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 4:00 am -
Sun Jul 22 At Sea - Cruising - -
Mon Jul 23 Labadee, Haiti 8:00 am 5:00 pm
Tue Jul 24 Falmouth, Jamaica 10:30 am 7:00 pm
Wed Jul 25 At Sea - Cruising - -
Thu Jul 26 Cozumel, Mexico 8:00 am 7:00 pm
Fri Jul 27 At Sea - Cruising - -
Sat Jul 28 Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 6:15 am -
Harmony of the seas


Ft. Lauderdale, Florida - There is an abundance of things to see and do in the Ft. Lauderdale area: visit the newly redesigned Ft. Lauderdale Beach and cafes, stroll the historic Riverwalk, shop the luxurious stores on Las Olas Boulevard, or adventure to the Everglades for an intriguing air boat excursion.

At Sea - Cruising - Cruising

Labadee, Haiti - Beachside meets mountainside on the shores of Labadee — a Royal Caribbean private destination on Haiti’s northern coast. Here you’ll find pristine sands, coral reefs and jungle-covered hilltops nestling lagoon-like bays. There’s no shortage of places to relax and recharge across five stretches of beach. Or dial up the thrills on an active adventure like a half-mile-long zip line ride over the ocean. And fascinating culture, history and the natural beauty of Haiti’s spectacular coasts wait to be discovered around every corner. Escape to the Western Caribbean for a wilder way to experience paradise.

Falmouth, Jamaica - Step off the ship and step back in time. You might not think so at first glance but little Falmouth was an economic and shipping powerhouse and center for dramatic social change during the English Colonial Period. Founded and named Martha Brae Point in 1769 by local English planter, Thomas Reid, Falmouth became the transshipment hub for the sugar plantations covering the hills of the North Coast of Jamaica. Edward Barrett, a wealthy English planter, strongly influenced the early development of Falmouth. From the wharfs of Falmouth, sugar, molasses, rum and coffee were sent to England while ships carrying African slaves and all the necessities of 18th century colonial life dropped anchor in the bustling port town. You'll return with sun kissed skin, timeless memories as well as interesting historical tidbits to share with friends, like this one: Falmouth received piped water before New York City.

Cozumel, Mexico - With its lively tropical reefs, crystal-clear waters and ancient ruins, Cozumel is ripe for one-of-a-kind adventures. Cruise to Cozumel and head to Chankanaab National Park, where you can snorkel among the colorful reefs and schools of tropical fish that give this island its premier diving status. Or travel back in time on an adventure through the towering Maya ruins of Tulum. When you’re done exploring, unwind with a beachside massage at Playa Mia. From culture savoring to soaking up sunshine, you’ll find a world of adventure waiting for you in Cozumel.

Royal Caribbean's Harmony of the Seas

PLEASE NOTE: To attend the conference, participants must book their cruise through Continuing Education, Inc.. This ensures our company can provide full conference services and complimentary social amenities to all meeting participants and their guests. Note also, that participants' family and friends are welcome to book within our group to take advantage of our typically excellent cruise rates. Thank you for your cooperation.

Register your interest and receive a full quote at 800-422-0711 (US/Can) or direct/int'l tel: +1-727-526-1571 or by registering online.

Prices below are for the full cruise including meals and evening entertainment


Junior Suite with Balcony, J4 Junior Suite with Balcony (J4)
These suites offer a comfortable bedroom with two twin beds that convert to Royal King, a small sitting area with sofa that converts to double bed, and a  private balcony.

Stateroom: 287 sq. ft.  Balcony: 80 sq. ft. 
Call: 800-422-0711
and we'll find the best value for you.
Spacious AquaTheater Suite with Large Balcony - 2 Bedrooms, A1 Suite/Deluxe Spacious AquaTheater Suite with Large Balcony - 2 Bedrooms (A1)
Master bedroom has a King size bed with Duxiana Mattress. Second bedroom has two twin beds that convert to Royal King and two Pullman beds. Vanity with chair in each bedroom, living area with double sofa bed, dining room, marble entry, entertainment center. Two bathrooms, master with tub. Expansive balcony with table and chairs.

Stateroom: 823 sq. ft. Balcony: 772 sq. ft.
for Pricing
AquaTheater Suite with Large Balcony - 2 Bedrooms, A2 Suite/Deluxe AquaTheater Suite with Large Balcony - 2 Bedrooms (A2)
Master bedroom has a King size bed with Duxiana Mattress. Second bedroom has two twin beds that convert to Royal King and two Pullman beds. Vanity with chair in each bedroom, living area with double sofa bed, dining room, marble entry, entertainment center. Two bathrooms, master with tub. Expansive balcony with table and chairs.

Stateroom: 739 sq. ft. Balcony: 695 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Spacious AquaTheater Suite with Large Balcony -1 Bedroom, A3 Suite/Deluxe Spacious AquaTheater Suite with Large Balcony -1 Bedroom (A3)
Bedroom area with two twin beds that convert to Royal King. One bathroom with tub, large closets, sitting area with table and sofa bed. Private balcony with seating area and private dining.

Stateroom: 562 sq. ft. Balcony: 589 sq. ft.
for Pricing
AquaTheater Suite with Large Balcony -1 Bedroom, A4 Suite/Deluxe AquaTheater Suite with Large Balcony -1 Bedroom (A4)
Bedroom area with two twin beds that convert to Royal King. One bathroom with tub, large closets, sitting area with table and sofa bed. Private balcony with seating area and private dining.

Stateroom: 562 sq. ft. Balcony: 631 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Grand Suite - 1 Bedroom, GS Suite/Deluxe Grand Suite - 1 Bedroom (GS)
Grand Suites offer a comfortable bedroom, a living area, private balcony and extra perks for guests.
Two twin beds that convert to a Royal King bed & One double sofa bed.

 Stateroom: 371 sq. ft. Balcony: 105 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Grand Suite - 2 Bedrooms, GT Suite/Deluxe Grand Suite - 2 Bedrooms (GT)
These large suites offer two bedrooms, two bathrooms and a living area with a sofa bed.
Two sets of Two twin beds that convert to a Royal King bed, One double sofa bed, Two Pullman beds.

Stateroom: 580 sq. ft. Balcony: 238 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Junior Suite with Balcony, J3 Suite/Deluxe Junior Suite with Balcony (J3)
These suites offer a comfortable bedroom with two twin beds that convert to Royal King, a small sitting area with sofa that converts to double bed, and a  private balcony.

Stateroom: 287 sq. ft.  Balcony: 80 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Crown Loft Suite, L1 Suite/Deluxe Crown Loft Suite (L1)
Two-decks-high stateroom with panoramic views. Master bedroom with Royal King size bed and bath on second level. Bath with shower on main level. Private balcony with chairs, dining area with dry bar, table/desk. Living room sofa converts to double bed.

Stateroom: 545 sq. ft. Balcony: 114 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Crown Loft Suite, L2 Suite/Deluxe Crown Loft Suite (L2)
Bedroom area with two twin beds that convert to Royal King. One bathroom with tub, large closets, sitting area with table and sofa bed. Private balcony with seating area and private dining.

Stateroom: 545 sq. ft. Balcony: 114 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Owner's Suite, OS Suite/Deluxe Owner's Suite (OS)
These luxurious suites offer separate living areas, private balconies and a mini bar. Two twin beds that convert to Royal King. Private bathroom with tub and two sinks, marble entry, large closets, living area with table and sofa. Private balcony with table and chairs. 

Stateroom: 556 sq. ft. Balcony: 243 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Star Loft Suite, TL Suite/Deluxe Star Loft Suite (TL)
Contemporary, two-floor connecting lofts with private balcony, dining area and more.
 Master bedroom and bathroom on second level. Bedroom has a King size bed with Duxiana Mattress. Stairway to second level. Bathrooms with shower for two. Private balcony with dining area. Dining area with dry bar. Living room sofa converts to double bed. Closets on each level.

Stateroom: 722 sq. ft. Balcony: 410 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Villa Suite - 4 Bedrooms, VS Suite/Deluxe Villa Suite - 4 Bedrooms (VS)
Enjoy four bedrooms two bathrooms with tub, private balcony and living area.
Two King size beds with Duxiana Mattress,  two sets of two twin beds that convert to a Royal King, one double sofa bed, four Pullman beds.  

Stateroom: 1,142 sq. ft. Balcony: 476 sq. ft.
for Pricing


Oceanview with Balcony, 8D Oceanview with Balcony (8D)
Enjoy beautiful views of exotic ports, landscapes, seas and skies from your private balcony.
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, sitting area with sofa and a  full bathroom . 

Stateroom: 182 sq. ft. Balcony: 50 sq. ft. 
Call: 800-422-0711
and we'll find the best value for you.
Central Park View with Balcony, 2J Central Park View with Balcony (2J)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, boardwalk view balcony, sitting area, and a private bathroom.

Stateroom: 182 sq. ft. Balcony: 52 sq. ft. 
Call: 800-422-0711
and we'll find the best value for you.
Ultra Spacious Oceanview with Large Balcony, 1A Balcony Ultra Spacious Oceanview with Large Balcony (1A)
Private balcony, two twin beds that convert to Royal King. Sofa converts to double, one Pullman beds, private bathroom and sitting area.

Stateroom: 271 sq. ft. Balcony: 82 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Oceanview with Large Balcony, 1C Balcony Oceanview with Large Balcony (1C)
Enjoy beautiful views of exotic ports, landscapes, seas and skies from your large private balcony.
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, sitting area with sofa  and a full bathroom .

Stateroom: 182 sq. ft. Balcony: 80 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Oceanview with Balcony, 1D Balcony Oceanview with Balcony (1D)
Enjoy beautiful views of exotic ports, landscapes, seas and skies from your private balcony.
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, sitting area with sofa and a  full bathroom .
Stateroom: 182 sq. ft. Balcony: 50 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Boardwalk View with Balcony, 1I Balcony Boardwalk View with Balcony (1I)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, boardwalk view balcony, sitting area, and a private bathroom.

Stateroom: 182 sq. ft. Balcony: 52 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Central Park View with Balcony, 1J Balcony Central Park View with Balcony (1J)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, boardwalk view balcony, sitting area, and a private bathroom.

 Stateroom: 182 sq. ft. Balcony: 52 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Oceanview with Large Balcony, 2C Balcony Oceanview with Large Balcony (2C)
Enjoy beautiful views of exotic ports, landscapes, seas and skies from your large private balcony.
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, sitting area with sofa and a  full bathroom .

Stateroom: 182 sq. ft. Balcony: 80 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Oceanview with Balcony, 2D Balcony Oceanview with Balcony (2D)
Enjoy beautiful views of exotic ports, landscapes, seas and skies from your private balcony.
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, sitting area with sofa and a full bathroom .
Stateroom: 182 sq. ft. Balcony: 50 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Boardwalk View with Balcony, 2I Balcony Boardwalk View with Balcony (2I)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, boardwalk view balcony, sitting area, and a private bathroom.

Stateroom: 182 sq. ft. Balcony: 52 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Oceanview with Balcony, 3D Balcony Oceanview with Balcony (3D)
Enjoy beautiful views of exotic ports, landscapes, seas and skies from your private balcony.
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, sitting area with sofa and a full bathroom .
Stateroom: 182 sq. ft. Balcony: 50 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Oceanview with Balcony, 4D Balcony Oceanview with Balcony (4D)
Enjoy beautiful views of exotic ports, landscapes, seas and skies from your private balcony.
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, sitting area with sofa and a full bathroom .
Stateroom: 182 sq. ft. Balcony: 50 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Boardwalk View with Balcony, 4I Balcony Boardwalk View with Balcony (4I)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, boardwalk view balcony, sitting area, and a private bathroom.

Stateroom: 182 sq. ft. Balcony: 52 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Oceanview with Balcony, 5D Balcony Oceanview with Balcony (5D)
Enjoy beautiful views of exotic ports, landscapes, seas and skies from your private balcony.
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, sitting area with sofa and a  full bathroom .
Stateroom: 182 sq. ft. Balcony: 50 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Oceanview with Balcony, 6D Balcony Oceanview with Balcony (6D)
Enjoy beautiful views of exotic ports, landscapes, seas and skies from your private balcony.
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, sitting area with sofa and a  full bathroom . 
Stateroom: 182 sq. ft. Balcony: 50 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Oceanview with Balcony Quad, 7D Balcony Oceanview with Balcony Quad (7D)
Enjoy beautiful views of exotic ports, landscapes, seas and skies from your private balcony.
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, sitting area with sofa and a  full bathroom.
Stateroom: 182 sq. ft. Balcony: 50 sq. ft.
for Pricing


Oceanview Stateroom, 2N Oceanview Stateroom (2N)
Our Ocean View staterooms offer a gorgeous view, two twin beds that convert to Royal King and a private bathroom and sitting area.  

Stateroom: 179 sq. ft 
Call: 800-422-0711
and we'll find the best value for you.
Ultra Spacious Oceanview, 1K Outside Ultra Spacious Oceanview (1K)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King. Sofa converts to double, 1 Pullman bed,  private bathroom and sitting area. 

Stateroom: 271 sq. ft.
Please note that this stateroom category when located on the bow, has an obstructed view.
for Pricing
Oceanview Stateroom, 1N Outside Oceanview Stateroom (1N)
Our Ocean View staterooms offer a gorgeous view, two twin beds that convert to Royal King and a private bathroom and sitting area.

Stateroom: 179 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Studio Oceanview, 2O Outside Studio Oceanview (2O)
Full size bed and full bathroom. Single occupancy stateroom.

Stateroom: 96 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Oceanview Stateroom, 4N Outside Oceanview Stateroom (4N)
Ocean View staterooms offer a gorgeous view, two twin beds that convert to Royal King and a private bathroom and sitting area.  

Stateroom: 179 sq. ft. 
Please note that most 4N Staterooms are on the front of the ship and have the angled window pictured, but some are on the side of the ship and have a standard porthole window.
for Pricing
Oceanview Stateroom, 6N Outside Oceanview Stateroom (6N)
Our Ocean View staterooms offer a gorgeous view, two twin beds that convert to Royal King and a private bathroom and sitting area.  

Stateroom: 179 sq. ft. 
 Please note that some staterooms in this class have obstructed views.
for Pricing


Interior Stateroom, 4V Interior Stateroom (4V)
This  stateroom offers two twin beds that convert to Royal King, private bathroom and sitting area.

Stateroom: 149 sq. ft. 
Call: 800-422-0711
and we'll find the best value for you.
Spacious Interior, 1R Inside Spacious Interior (1R)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King. Sofa converts to double, one Pullman bed, private bathroom and sitting area.

Stateroom: 260 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Central Park View Interior, 1S Inside Central Park View Interior (1S)
Fabulous restaurants, shops and the tranquil gardens of the Central Park are just outside your door.
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King,  sitting area, and a private bathroom.

Stateroom: 191 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Promenade View Interior, 1T Inside Promenade View Interior (1T)
Promenade Staterooms have bowed windows overlooking the Royal Promenade.
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, private bathroom and sitting area.

Stateroom: 194 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Interior Stateroom, 1V Inside Interior Stateroom (1V)
This stateroom offers two twin beds that convert to Royal King, private bathroom and sitting area with sofa bed.

Stateroom: 149 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Interior Stateroom, 2V Inside Interior Stateroom (2V)
This spacious stateroom offers two twin beds that convert to Royal King, private bathroom and sitting area with sofa bed.

Stateroom: 149 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Studio Interior, 2W Inside Studio Interior (2W)
Full size bed and full bathroom.  Single occupancy stateroom.

Stateroom: 96 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Interior Stateroom, 3V Inside Interior Stateroom (3V)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, private bathroom and sitting area with sofa bed.

Stateroom: 149 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Interior with Virtual Balcony, 4U Inside Interior with Virtual Balcony (4U)
A high-definition screen providing real-time views of the ocean and destinations. Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, private bathroom and sitting area with sofa.

Stateroom: 160 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Interior Stateroom, 6V Inside Interior Stateroom (6V)
This  stateroom offers two twin beds that convert to Royal King, private bathroom and sitting area.

Stateroom: 149 sq. ft.
for Pricing

Because this program is sailing soon, full payment of the fare is due at time of booking.

3rd/4th in Stateroom - Please call to secure the best possible pricing

Cruise pricing is presented per person, based double occupancy of the stateroom, following industry practice. Pricing presented above is listed accordingly to allow easy comparison for the stateroom categories displayed. Our agents always provide 'total cost' pricing disclosing all particulars before you make any commitment.

COMPETITIVE PRICING PROMISE: We will match any price currently offered by the cruise line; this promise includes their short-term, promotional rates. As a value-added organizer of meetings at sea, however, we do not seek to compete with 'cruise discounters,' 'travel clubs,' or 'distressed inventory' sales operations.
PRICING SUBJECT TO CHANGE: Fares displayed above are subject to availabilty and to change until reserved with a deposit or full payment. While the fares listed can sell out (i.e. are "subject to availability"), they generally remain available until about 90 days before sailing, at which time they convert to typically higher, market rates. Market Rates offered directly by the cruise line and quoted by our agents are also subject to availability and to change at any time prior to depositing on your stateroom. Those rates are capacity and revenue controlled and can be withdrawn without notice.
CANCELLATION PENALTY POLICY WILL APPLY: We recommend Travel Insurance to protect your investment from unexpected, late cancellations.
Cruise Cancellation Policy:Late Cancellation policies vary by cruise line, itinerary and length of cruise. When reserving your stateroom, please congirm the policy applicable to this cruise with one of our agents.
Course Fee Cancellation Policy: 30+ days before sailing date - 75% Refund ; 7-29 days before sailing date - 50% Refund; Less than 7 days before sailing date - No Refund
FUEL SUPPLEMENT: During periods of unusual oil price volatility, cruiselines may implement a fuel surcharge at any time prior to sailing.

Chubb Travel Protection Overview

Please note, this insurance protection is available to the residents of the United States only,
that coverage limits are per person and that limits can vary by State.

Standard Plan Benefits Travel Basics Travel Essentials Travel Choice
Trip Cancellation 100% of Trip Costs
($100,000 maximum)
100% of Trip Costs
($100,000 maximum)
100% of Trip Costs
($100,000 maximum)
Trip Interruption 100% of Trip Costs
($100,000 maximum)
150% of Trip Costs
($150,000 maximum)
150% of Trip Costs
($150,000 maximum)
Trip Interruption - Return Air Only $500 $750 $1,000
Trip Delay $500 ($100 per day) $750 ($150 per day) $1,000 ($200 per day)
Missed Connection NA $250 $500
Baggage & Personal Effects $750 ($50 deductible) $1,000 $2,500
Baggage Delay $200 $300 $500
Accident & Sickness Medical Expense* $15,000 ($50 deductible) $25,000 $50,000
Emergency Evacuation & Repatriation of Remains $150,000 $500,000 $1,000,000
Accidental Death & Dismemberment NA $10,000 $50,000
Assistance Services Included Included Included
Additional Benefits (if purchased within 15 days of Initial Trip Payment; Day 1 is the date the Intial Trip Payment is made)
Pre-Existing Medical Condition Exclusion Waiver Included Included Included
Trip Cancellation/ Interruption due to Financial Default Included Included Included
Accident Sickness Medical Expense Excess Coverage Primary Coverage Primary Coverage
Baggage & Personal Effects Excess Coverage Excess Coverage Primary Coverage
Flight Accident $25,000 $50,000 NA
Missed Connection NA Additional $250 Included in base plan
Optional Benefits (if selected byt the Applicant and required premium is paid)
Medical Coverage Upgrade Included in base plan Included in base plan Additional $50,000
including Emergency Evacuation* Additional $150,000 Additional $500,000 Included in base plan
Car Rental Collision Coverage $35,000 ($250 Deductible) $35,000 ($250 Deductible) $35,000 ($250 Deductible)
Flight Accident Amount selected up to $500,000 Amount selected up to $500,000 NA
*Coverage, pricing and availability may vary by state
*Additional Benefits change not available for CA, CO, KS, MN, MO, MT, NH, NY, PA, TX or WA residents at this time.
Call us at 800.422.0711 (US & Canada)
Or +1-727-526-1571
We can assist you with all your travel arrangements. We'd be happy to help you plan your flights, hotels or tours before and/or after your cruise conference.

Contact Our Travel Agents to Book Now.

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