14 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™14 ACPE Credits
14.0 Contact Hours
7 (part II) MOC points in medical knowledge in the American Board of Internal Medicine's (ABIM) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program
10 Hours of Pharmacology for NPs
- Osteoporosis 101
- Evaluate the bone density test and offer treatments accordingly
- Osteoporosis 101 Rx
- Identify the side effects of medications and how we choose them
- Breast imaging - which one do I need to order ?
- Choose wisely the modality that is needed to best address screening and diagnostic breast imaging
- The obesity epidemic - I can not seem to lose weight
- Discuss weight loss medications and indications for Bariatric surgery
- Hot flashes, mood swings and aging skin? can you prescribe estrogen for me ?
- Will analyze the WHI study and the risks associated with prescribing HRT vs. other alternatives
- Physician burnout -and primary care
- Take better care of them and their colleagues
- Memory loss - real or not?
- Offer a DD to the patient and family
- Health Promotion: Encouraging a Healthy Body, Mind, and Spirit
- Assess the patient’s current state of physical, psychological, and spiritual health
- Analyze the patient’s current dietary and exercise practices
- Discuss an individualized health-promotion strategy for the patient.
- “Oh, My Aching Head”: Managing Migraine, Tension, and Cluster Headaches
- Explain the classification of headaches
- Discuss the appropriate use of brain imaging in evaluating patients with headache
- Describe the appropriate use of abortive and preventive medications in the treatment of migrane
- “What Goes Up Must Come Down!”: Diagnosis and Management of Hypertension
- Describe the appropriate measurement and classification of hypertension
- Discuss the laboratory testing and imaging needed to diagnose common causes of secondary hypertension
- Describe the major classes of anti-hypertensive treatment and discuss the type of patient likely to benefit from each class of medication.
- "Get Me Out of Here!": Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia in the Primary Care Setting
- Elicit and assess symptoms of panic disorder and agoraphobia
- Apply appropriate lifestyle modification and stress management skills, including muscle relaxation, breathing control, thought-stopping, and cognitive restructuring
- Somatoform Disorders: Illness as a Way of Life
- Recognize the key symptoms, signs, and clinical presentation of somatizing patients
- Define the concept of “alexithymia” (the inability of some patients to express emotion in verbal terms)
- Develop an effective management strategy for somatizing patients.
- Enhancing Clinician-Patient Communication: Becoming a Healer
- Distinguish the technical, biomedical aspects of clinician’s role from the personal and psychosocial aspects of care
- Describe specific attitudes and values needed to create a healing environment with patients
- Apply techniques for establishing and maintaining rapport with patients and enhancing clinician-patient communication.
- The Faith Factor: Practicing Spiritually- Sensitive Care
- Elicit a spiritual history in an ethically-appropriate manner
- Analyze the physiologic, psychological, social, and lifestyle effects of religious beliefs upon health outcomes
- Describe the spectrum of possible interventions available for addressing patients’ spiritual needs.